Thursday, November 6, 2008

That Girl is Bold

Typical Casi. I knew this would happen. I would start a blog and then neglect it. The good news out of this is that a lot has happened over my lack of entries.

I joined a sorority. I'm now a part of a lifetime sisterhood. I actually think that this move was so me. I understand that Greek life is not for everyone. I also understand that when people think of Greek life they get visions in their heads of boys doing keg-stands and girls being wildly promiscuous with guys that they have just met no more than 5 minutes ago. While this is sometimes true, I have come to learn that these women and men have to work twice as hard than the non-Greeks in order to earn respect. I have also learned that many people on my campus loathe the Greek system. In fact, they mostly think that the men and women who are involved with the Greek system are dumb jocks and bimbos. This is so far from the truth that I could scream. Do people not realize that we have to maintain a certain GPA to even be considered to go through rush and to remain an active member?? It upsets me that when I wear my letters I'm being judged by over half of Loyola's campus. I know that I made the best choice for me. I was very comfortable in my all girls high school and I need that back. I found it in Greek life. We work really hard and party even harder.

That being said, I have never been out so many times in one week and on school nights for that matter. I always make sure that my homework is done before I go out. I'm still a "good girl" at heart. I mean my morals may be a bit questionable, but that's nothing new. I have never taken any type of pledge to "save" myself until marriage. I'm wondering right now if I should continue typing or just leave it at that. It hasn't happened yet...but I think it will happen soon. Jeez that's personal. Well it has been said. I'm not going to hit the backspace key. There is no backspacing in life. The decisions that i make are mine and mine alone. No regrets. MMM I love it!! I trust myself and I know what's good and bad for me. I know that i will be judged but i am prepared for that. I cannot predict what the outcome of my actions will be yet and neither does anyone else.
I'm not planning this out or anything. This, I guess, is more so that no one else is surprised with my actions. So I think that I'm preparing you all. Get ready for it.
...and the music played on.

1 comment:

hayli said...

that last paragraph.
so you.