Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hello Summer

You know, I'm getting bad at this whole updating my blog thing. I've been back in my house for about a week and a half and I have done absolutely nothing with my life in that time. It almost makes me miss Forever 21. Haha that was funny. I am funny. But really, at least I was busy there. So, because I haven't blogged in awhile and a few key things have happened I have to play catch up.

Freshman year ended really well, I was very proud of myself and the stamina that I had during exam week. It was very intense. All throughout exam week I think I went back to my room and slept only twice. Every other time, I was a slave to the library. It paid off.

Besides all the boring school stuff, socially, things couldn't have gotten more awkward. Before I get to that, let me first say how completely proud I am of the girls who went through initiation and are now my new sisters. Admittedly, I was very skeptical about letting new girls in so soon. There are so many things to understand about our bond and I really felt that they weren't ready yet. As I got to know them that soon changed and I love them all so much.

Now back to the awkwardness that is my life. It wouldn't be my life without a touch of awkwardness, now would it? So in all fairness, the last two weeks of school started off pretty well. I asked the guy that I liked to my formal and he accepted. That night actually went really well. I was told by many people that my "boyfriend" and I were really cute together. I smiled and said that we were not dating but only friends. It was a really good night.
After such a great night, one would only assume that my date from the night before would ask me to his formal. I had actually been waiting for weeks for him to ask me and since my formal was the weekend before his, I gave up all hope on that monday. Anyway, as you have probably guessed, he did ask me to his. Once again it was a grand night. He's far too adorable for words and I had planned to him then that I liked him. So I did. In a text. When I was at tucks.
I cutely said that I had fun, was glad that he took me, and I ended by saying "btw: you do realize that i like you, right?" His response was that he sorta picked up on it and that since he would be leaving in a week, it really made little sense to jump into things. he also wanted to talk about this matter in person. Understandable. I told him that we should get to know each other better to which he agreed.

With all this squared away, you would imagine how taken aback I was when he began to give me the cold shoulder the entire last week of school. Yep the whole week. Forget the fact that I lived in the library the whole week and every time he passed by me, he passed by without saying two words. Lovely. Oh and about that time I texted him saying that we needed to talk before he left? Nada. Even though we moved out of our dorms at the same time forcing us to run into each other more than enough to get a conversation going, his parents said more to me than he did. Confusion ensues. At first I was upset, but then after much thought I'm not angry anymore.
I did what I supposed to do. I let him know and I just wanted closure. I guess you can't have everything.

So it's been awhile since that happened and i've spent everyday at home with our new kitty, Dinah. She is the cutest little thing I have ever seen in my life, but she is very bad. I will be getting another job soon so I can start saving up for an apartment next year. I will move on from this and will be keeping myself very busy.

Talk about your cliffhangers.

...and the music played on.

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